north east success story • NEL Fund Managers Limited

Patrick Parsons praises NEL investment impact as it plans next stages of growth

Uploaded by in Case Studies on January 10, 2018

A thriving North East consulting engineering business has praised the impact on its development of its decade-long relationship with regional fund management firm NEL Fund Managers after exiting its final investment agreement with them. Newcastle-headquartered Patrick Parsons Consulting Engineering worked with NEL in 2011 to secure a £250,000 […]

ID Partnership Exits Growth Fund Investment with Plans to Build for the Future

Uploaded by in Recent Investments on February 23, 2016

A long-standing North East architecture practice has praised the impact of outside capital on the speed and breadth of its development after completing the investment period. In 2012, The ID Partnership-northern worked with regional fund management firm NEL Fund Managers to bring in a £150,000 investment from the […]