21 October 2019, 09:30 – 16:00
Let’s Talk About Money – 12 hours fully funded
Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SE
Dates: October 14 (full day), October 21 (full day)
* You must be able to attend both sessions*
NEL Fund Managers and Digital Sparkles have teamed up with BluSky Chartered Accountants and Newcastle University Business School to bring you a series of fully funded training events to talk about the BIG M and provide practical hints, tips and tracking sheets for us to get to grips with the basics of money in our businesses.
What we will cover across the 12 hours:
*Introductions from the NEL Fund Managers Team
*Pricing and paying ourselves
*Personal targets and aspirations
*Our why – the driving force behind our small businesses
*The real costs of our business activities
*Money in and money out
*Cash flow and forecasting
*Apps to use to track your finances
*Self-employed or Ltd (differences and benefits)
*Confidence and Business Planning
* Accountability and next steps
Places are subject to eligibility and are strictly limited to 25 (1 person per business) so if you would like to secure your spot please do so immediately via the link.
This training is open to small businesses based anywhere in the North East (apart from the Tees Valley area) and you will be asked to complete some eligibility paperwork to meet the funding criterion).