Calculating your Carbon Footprint

13 December 2022, 13:00 - 14:00

Calculating your Carbon Footprint

Tuesday 13th December 2022 13:00-14:00

Online event


An online event, delivered by Dr. Yvonne Gale of NEL Fund Managers, designed to support North East SMEs in measuring their carbon footprint and getting on the path to Net Zero.

With the government committing to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050, the clock is ticking for businesses to get on board and implement their decarbonisation strategies. Whilst the 2050 deadline may seem a way off, it’s essential that businesses get on board to lessen negative climate changing effects and limit global warming more quickly. Carbon reduction requires a new way of thinking and a robust plan, but there are many positives for business. In addition to the obvious impact on the environment, working towards net zero can also help your business save money, improve customer loyalty, increase staff motivation and retention, and further boost growth prospects and business resilience.

The first step to achieving your Net Zero goal is to understand your current carbon footprint. This event will highlight the importance of understanding your environmental impact and then show you how to use free tools to calculate your business’s carbon footprint.


  • Why every business needs to work towards NetZero
  • Understanding Scopes 1, 2 & 3
  • Looking professional with free tools
  • To offset or not to offset


This event is open to small businesses based in County Durham, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear and is fully funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). You will be asked to complete some paperwork to meet the ERDF eligibility criterion and evidence the support you have received. Your details will be stored securely and retained by NEL Fund Managers in compliance with The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For queries, or to be directed to our Privacy Policy, please email



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