Precursor continues Newcastle recruitment drive with North East Fund backing

An ambitious cyber security firm is continuing to build its North East presence with the help of a six-figure investment from the North East Fund.
Nirvana Europe taking a run at North America with NEL investment backing

A specialist North East sports travel and events firm is taking a run at growing its presence in North America with the help of a £500,000 investment from the North East Fund.
Lylalife gaining new customer insight with second North East Fund investment

An ambitious North East continence product supplier is building up its customer service and business management resources after securing a second North East Fund investment through fund management firm NEL Fund Managers.
Mammoth accelerating growth plans with Growth Capital Fund investment

Mammoth has built a reputation as an innovator in the mattress and seating market over the last decade by introducing new technologies such as Medical Grade™ foam and forging unique partnerships with the likes of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Premier League football teams and leading universities.
Tech firm getting Seriös about growth goals with North East Fund investment

After working with regional fund management firm NEL Fund Managers to bring in the investment from the North East Growth Capital Fund Supported by the European Regional Development Fund, the Newcastle-headquartered business is now preparing to fully launch its own purpose-built data platform accelerator, Seriös One.
North East Fund investment gives NE & C Windows & Doors a clear view on growth goals

NE & C Windows & Doors designs, manufactures and installs a range of high-quality windows, doors, conservatories and balustrades for commercial and domestic clients across the North East, Cumbria and Scotland.
Design agency looking to JUMP to the next level with latest NEL investment

JUMP offers creative design, digital solutions and marketing services to a growing roster of regional, national and international clients, including Newcastle’s Business Improvement District company NE1, the NHS, Newcastle University, Peacocks Medical Group and Living North Magazine.
Cenelec planning major European expansion with backing of latest NEL investment

A North East hazardous area inspection firm is expanding its presence in continental Europe with the help of its latest investment from NEL Fund Managers.
North East tech firm building influence in digital marketing sector with NEL investment backing

A North East digital technology firm is looking to build its influence across the UK marketing sector after securing a six-figure investment from the North East Growth Capital Fund Loan Fund Supported by The European Regional Development Fund.
North East Fund investment sparks expansion plans for environmental services firm

A six-figure investment from the North East Growth Capital Fund supported by The European Regional Development Fund is set to help a North East drainage specialist quadruple its turnover in the next four years by extending the use of its bespoke pipe-cleaning technology.
Green Spark Utility Services provides a range of solutions to clients’ environment challenges, preventing pollution issues arising on their sites and helping to ensure compliance with their environmental and regulatory responsibilities.