export • NEL Fund Managers Limited

Evaluagent making the right calls with new contract wins

Uploaded by in Recent Investments on September 7, 2017

A specialist North East software developer is casting its gaze across the Atlantic after picking up four major new contracts and increasing its annual turnover by 20 per cent in the last year. EvaluAgent designs software solutions for contact centres which use ‘gamification’ techniques to help ensure customers […]

Exporting for Growth

Uploaded by in Recent Investments on November 2, 2015

As businesses continue to strive towards expansion, and especially now that we have the technology in place to allow ease of communications across the globe, now is a great time to look towards developing, or extending upon, your exporting strategy. As it stands, the North East is leading […]

Getting your Hands on the Export Ball

Uploaded by in Recent Investments on October 22, 2015

The three Rugby World Cup fixtures held in Newcastle earlier this month provided a truly unforgettable spectacle, and its legacy is hopefully going to be much more than just a sporting one. High profile trade delegations from both New Zealand and South Africa took the opportunity to visit […]