Unlocking Grant Funding

8 November 2022, 13:00 - 14:30

Unlocking Grant Funding

13:00 – 14:30 on Tuesday 8th November 2022

Online Event


An online event designed to support North East SMEs in unlocking grants for business growth.

The event will highlight the routes to accessing grant funding in the region and will help you to understand the processes and complexities, as well as how grants and other funding channels can work together to unlock unprecedented growth opportunities.


• Grant road mapping

• How grants work

• Core types of finance

• How NEL’s Funds can help unlock grants

• Real life case studies

• Next steps

All attendees will benefit from an invitation to discuss your grant requirements on a one-to-one basis and be provided with a bespoke road map and signposting to eligible grant funding.

This event is open to small businesses based in County Durham, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear and is fully funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). You will be asked to complete some paperwork to meet the ERDF eligibility criterion and evidence the support you have received.

Register here

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