March, 2017 • NEL Fund Managers Limited

NEL Quiz Night Brings in £480 for The Prince’s Trust

Uploaded by in NEL News & Insights on March 30, 2017

As a continuing part of our commitment to support the work of The Princes Trust, NEL last night hosted it’s first charity quiz night welcoming over 60 of the team’s close professional network. The event raised £240 for The Trust and all monies raised will now be matched […]

NEL’s Yvonne Called in as Advisor on £500m UAE Innovation Fund

Uploaded by in NEL News & Insights on March 13, 2017

A North East investment expert has been appointed to a panel of worldwide advisors who will work with the United Arab Emirates’ government on the investment of a new £500m innovation fund. Dr Yvonne Gale, chief executive at NEL Fund Managers, is one of 11 members of the […]

NEL Fund Managers Investing In New Apprentice Abigail

Uploaded by in NEL News & Insights on March 6, 2017

Regional fund management firm NEL Fund Managers is investing in the career of a young County Durham woman after signing her up as their first ever apprentice. Abigail Cook has joined the Newcastle-based firm on a two-year apprenticeship programme, which will see her getting a thorough grounding in […]